Friday, 27 June 2014

Nopalea A Review Of The Wellness Drink By Trivita

Nopalea is a drink that is made by Trivita. It is said to promote overall health and wellness in human beings, because its main ingredient is the fruit of the Nopal Cactus. This fruit is said to be full of phytochemicals called betalins, which are said to basically be health-promoting chemicals that block inflammation-causing enzymes in the human body. Although it is meant to serve primarily as a cure for inflammation, Trivita Nopalea is also promoted as a wellness drink that provides an immune system boost, brain protection, and anti-toxin activity.

The Nopal fruit is described by Trivita as being an incredible food, full of health-promoting betalins that most people do not naturally have.

However, these claims are not necessarily completely true. Betalins can actually be found in all kinds of foods, some of which include beets, spinach, quinoa, and rhubarb. Therefore, although betalins may help maintain a person’s overall health, they definitely are not very rare and most humans do consume them on a fairly daily basis.

That being said, a daily dose of betalins from Nopalea juice could definitely be helpful to anyone. Although they may not be as rare as Trivita advertises them to be, they still do promote good overall health.

As far as Nopalea side effects go, there are close to none. However, there is a slight risk of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients since the Nopal fruit does have a tendency to affect the body’s blood sugar levels. That being said, if you maintain a healthy diet along with a decent amount of exercise and a diabetes medication, Nopalea probably will not cause you any harm.

Most Nopalea reviews say that the drink is very effective and helpful for some people, but is useless for others. In general, there is no way to find out until you try it yourself. It can be a bit expensive, but it seems that it could definitely be worth the money.

Overall, Nopalea may not be the absolute cure to all of life’s illnesses, but it could be a great way to keep your body healthy if it is also supplemented by a good diet and exercise.

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